This icon shows the status of your internet connection. Hover over the battery icon to see how much charge is left. Arrow. When clicked expands to show more system tray icons.In the screenshot above, from left to right in the system tray: The icons in the system tray vary widely from computer to computer depending on what programs are installed and what version of Windows you have, so do not worry if your system tray does not match the screenshots in this course or your classmates’ system trays. It displays the date and time and has icons that show helpful information related to computer and program functions. The system tray is on the right side of the taskbar. In Windows 10, the blue line beneath the icon indicates the program is minimized. The icons of open programs will appear to the right of the pinned programs. You can customize which programs are pinned to the taskbar by opening a program, then right-clicking on the program’s taskbar icon and selecting “Pin to Taskbar.” You can also unpin pinned programs by right-clicking the program’s icon and selecting “Unpin from Taskbar.” Programs can be pinned to the taskbar so that they are quicker to get to: you can open a pinned program simply by clicking on it. The Start menu can also be opened by pressing the Windows key ( ) on the keyboard. The appearance of the Start button varies between versions, but it is always the left-most button of the taskbar. Clicking and dragging this button will change the size of the window.

If the window is already maximized, clicking this button will resize the window to be smaller.